Metaverse for Education and Training 745 0

Metaverse for Education and Training

/ Categories: Learning

We organized an hands on workshop on with teachers on the basic exploratory phase on what metaverse means and various concepts and terminologies on what the metaverse is all about including the value chain of metaverse including the various working groups and how they can get value from it, in its early days. The metaverse has various definitions and lacks standardization due to many inherent technologies it may still in its early stage or its interoperability not well flushed especially those who may not be building a metaverse but want to be a value chain contributor or enable their own use cases across various "metaverse". We conducted the workshops and provided each teacher who attended the workshop with a Open badge certificate for the 2 hour workshop. The teachers were excite on potential uses and felt that the time was short and more context would have been useful in these new emerging technologies or delivery models.

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