Innovative Technology Solutions for Healthcare Education



Pioneering Digital Solutions in XR and AI Healthcare Education Platform

At Learnroll, we specialize in developing innovative, independent unbiased digital solutions tailored for patient-centered healthcare education with Undergraduate Medical Higher Education, Continuing Medical and Health Education (CME/CE) and Patient education templates. Our own in-house platform leverages secure Cloud based SaaS (Software as a Service) solutions for engaging, providers and learners with 3D web-enabled applications, Augmented Reality (AR), Spatial Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality(MR) with assistive Artificial Intelligence (AI Healthcare Education Platform). 

AT Learnroll We are particularly focused on enhancing preventive care education, effective disease management and addressing global practice and skill gaps in under served women's health communities

Platform - Therapeutic Education

Our own Patent Pending Classroom Immersive Learning Toolkit allows XR and AI integration to create learning experiences with an unique cognitive based therapy approach for stress free learning and coaching with AI assistant Octo  in a multi sensory spatial XR environment

XR Immersive Learning

XR Based Adaptive Learning environment provides toolkits that assist in learning

- Course building toolkit with whitelabelling

- Integrate high quality competency curriculums with models like 5E, VARK

- Multi Modal Components - 3D Viewer, Slide Viewer(Videos, Text, Voice), Dicom(CT/MRI) viewer, Practice Labelling, Assessments, Instant Summary Feedback, Timers 

 Haptics(Controllers and Hand Tracking)

Digital 3rd party Micro-credential Integration(Badges)

Gamification - SFX and VFX

Therapeutic Education

The platform has key component toolkits that help in varied learners from students to clinicians to feeling relaxed, stress free in a self paced immersive environment with optional personalized AI  coaches

- Mood based Skyboxes

- Breathing Prompts

- Soothing Music and Relaxation Techniques while learning

- Exercise Guidance

- Test Taking Fear and Anxiety Guidance

- Self Quiet Space or Meditating Break rooms

- Burnout Relaxation

AI Based Voice Coaching 

Ask Octo is a Voice Based Coaching Assistant Plug in which uses Audio-Audio Gen AI Conversational for Question Answering and Reasoning . It may be used for Patient Education or CME. Octo is powered by GPT 4o Real time low latency API with Unity/Meta SDK . It can be enhanced for any XR using Unity 3D.

Octo is also a responsible smart assistant which looks into the query and uses an efficient back end logic to route, save query cost and efficient playback with low latency . It is multi language enabled via Web hooks in a hand tracked XR experience

- Real time Voice API - GPT 4o

-LLM with Audio

Changing Educational Models for Modern Healthcare needs

  • Access to Quality Education: Our innovative products and services reviewed with top experts, engage students, professionals, and women patients with gamified solutions that enhance learning.

    Upskilling the New Generation: We equip the future healthcare workforce with healthcare micro-credential programs for training in skills crucial for excelling in a rapidly evolving medical industrial environment.

    Skill Training for Clinicians: Our immersive healthcare learning solutions for interactive training and education program providers empower clinicians to effectively improve patient outcomes.

    Empowering Under served Communities Through Innovation: Our technologies lead the way in educational advancement, significantly aiming to impact healthcare in women and under served communities.


Digital Health and Medical Education Platform

We are dedicated to improving health outcomes for diverse women through gamified engagement and online training for medical professionals. Better trained clinicians provide better outcomes. This approach encompasses comprehensive AI-driven healthcare learning for essential competency and skill development, benefiting medical students and clinicians alike, and positively impacting diverse communities.

Patient Education 

We empower girls, teens, and women of all backgrounds to make informed decisions about their health. Our innovative solutions are tailored to the unique needs of under served women communities across different demographics, providing tech-enabled patient education tools that goes beyond conventional 'male-based' symptom analysis and addresses both medical and non medical needs.




Product Support

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Complete the form for an initial FREE 30 minutes consultation or demo. Please note - Certain demos require Mobile VR devices to run.

General Inquiries

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