Learnroll at NJ Science Convention

New Jersey Science Convention was a great opportunity to showcase the use of virtual reality for education and training. NSTA@NGSS provide a great curriculum framework to blend immersive learning with contextual scientific inquiry based learning. The learning for the team was tremendous and it helped them connect with various teachers and educators.

Anonym, Wednesday, November 21, 2018

2018 Summer Accelerator Programs - AWIS/NSF & NJIT

Accelerator Program Learnroll Immerse was chosen to participate in a summer accelerator program after it was selected for a STEM entrepreneurship award. The program was conducted in Martin Tuschman school of Management, NJIT at Newark Campus. The program provided the team to attend a 10-week-long program that helped the team to understand how to effectively create value & market for your company using Lean methods. The program was lead and attended by industry experts, NJ startup founders ...

Anonym, Friday, July 27, 2018

Learnroll Immerse founder feature in AWIS

AWIS Feature The Association for Women (AWIS) provides a great platform to showcase diverse professionals in S.T.E.M. Learnroll Immerse is proud to have its founder being featured in one of the most prestigious platforms that advocate S.T.E.M and is a major catalyst in bringing more women to discuss the common issues that women face in STEM-based fields. You can read more about her personal views & opinions here. https://www.awis.org/project/sushmita-chatterjee/

Anonym, Sunday, July 15, 2018

Learnroll Immerse Team attends ISTE 2018

ISTE 2018 The team at Learnroll Immerse attended ISTE 2018 Conference in Chicago on June 25, 2018. It was a great opportunity to meet other Edtech companies and get to preview new technology innovation in education & learning. It was a very well attended event and also provided us a chance to do multiple customer interviews on how teachers felt about using AR & VR technologies in a classroom and lab. Though there was very little representation in VR & AR these are some of the booths that our ...

Anonym, Tuesday, June 26, 2018

S.T.E.M - A way of thinking

STEM is a big buzzword in the United States and it has multiple implementations based on what schools perceive it as. STEM is more than a way of integrating science, maths, and engineering as part of classroom courses STEM is not just a coding course or a science experiment but the ability to analyze and think of a concept to implementation to real-world problems of scenarios.This may be done in a non-curriculum or curriculum-based approach. "STEM is more than a school subject, or the ...

Anonym, Friday, April 27, 2018

The Gen Z and the "Artificial Intelligence" viewpoint

A blog by Sushmita Chatterjee Spring break has started and it has been an interesting week at my home with two 9 and 10 years old trying to spend their time watching T.V, painting and doing other activities. I put a proposal of "Why not design an app?". GenZ children love apps and whether it is gaming, educational or otherwise it always lights up their face. Most children do not perceive PCS and websites as relevant products or services other than in a tablet or a phone. A few years back ...

Anonym, Wednesday, April 4, 2018

2018 STEM Entrepreneurship finalist challenge award

March 29,2018 -We were one of the recipients the 2018 STEM Entrepreneurship challenge award organized by the AWIS (Association of Women in Science) NJ Chapter. The event was attended by Learnroll Immerse team members that showcased different STEM categories awards at Princeton Marriot, Forrestal Village. We hope to continue delivering best experiences in AR and VR for STEM learning in K-12 and higher education.

Anonym, Saturday, March 31, 2018

Democratization of an educational ecosystem

How are the millennials learning? Has there been any change in their learning outcomes? These are some of the challenging questions that any "educator" needs to address. Education & Learning centers (unlike the healthcare system which has a wide variety of specialized centers), comprises of schools/institutions which are still categorized as "private schools”, "public schools" , "charter schools" ,"homeschools" or "afterschool". We do not see a de-centralized learning process which provides ... Read more...
Anonym, Tuesday, January 23, 2018

True knowledge is inherently interdisciplinary.

Several years ago, a college newspaper editorial board wrote an editorial suggesting that the college get rid of “useless” humanities departments, such as foreign languages and history, and funnel more resources to “useful” departments. In response, I wrote the following letter, but I never sent it. At Learnroll Immerse, we believe that education is more than grades and skill development. Grades and job skills are certainly part of the equation, but real learning can be about grades, job ...

Anonym, Friday, January 5, 2018

2017 - Retrospective

2017 - A Retrospective. The first few months of any startup business are always difficult, and the start for Learnroll Immerse was no different. The education industry adopts technology slowly, and we are disrupting education by incorporating the latest technology (some of which are still in beta stages). The Initial Research The initial challenge was to invest in a disruptive technology like 3D/VR/AR to enable a different kind of learning that provides perspectives beyond the textbooks. ...

Anonym, Saturday, December 30, 2017

Why choose emerging immersive technology for learning?

Technology is cool but not all cool technologies may be a necessary fit for your use case. As an Enterprise solution architect in my previous job there are some basic solution mandates that architect use for creating a solution for an enterprise. I found that this also helped me making my choice of technology for a problem area. Solution Retrofit The technology landscape is huge and changing. There are new technologies created every day that claim to solve many problems - whether it is ...

Anonym, Sunday, November 19, 2017

Our One-To-One mentoring session

Our classes have started and we are thrilled to have students who have enrolled for one-one mentoring classes where we supplement traditional learning with engaging techniques, where learning science becomes an "experience" with immersive technologies. We study scalars and vectors in Maths and Physics, but do we realize how we use it in our day to day lives? Do you realize that the cool game that you are playing on your mobile is using all these concepts in physics we learn in school? ... Read more...
Anonym, Friday, November 10, 2017

Perspectives of education and learning from educators

This is a note from some of my earlier talks or conversations, with educators and I gathered some valuable points on education as educators see it - whether as teachers, administrators or principals. This is an excerpt from some of the conversations with educators who care to bring about a change in way learning is today. -Sushmita Chatterjee The Educators Viewpoint These were some of the areas that the teachers felt that needed to change . Teachers need to be mentors today and play a ... Read more...
Anonym, Sunday, October 22, 2017

Science Education challenges

In my recent trip to India , I came across many organizations and institutions that were offering "education" support to the millions of children seeking education or learning; both for-profit and non-profit groups. However the basic question remains, what exactly does this "education" impart? Is it another mechanism to get ahead in a "grade rat race" or initiatives to really build the next generation students who will contribute to science. The thought has been aptly expressed by a ...

Anonym, Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Learn more about our unique learning space

At Learnroll Immerse, we designed our learning space to promote experiential learning. Our students do not sit at desks. At Learnroll Immerse, students spend time in our three modern learning spaces. Our 3D classroom  Our 3D classroom is our primary learning space. In this room, students and teachers spend time together learning on a comfortable couch. Our teachers present lessons using our high end 3D projector and whiteboard. The students use chromebooks to work on group and ...

Anonym, Thursday, June 29, 2017

3D & VR Learning

3D and Virtual Reality are not just games. They can be an essential component of serious learning too. Our current learning process and methods do not take advantage of recent technological advances. Learnroll Immerse takes advantage of new immersive technologies and content to enhance learning for all students.  Technology cannot replace a teacher, but teachers can use better tools.  

Anonym, Monday, May 29, 2017
