S.T.E.M - A way of thinking

STEM is a big buzzword in the United States and it has multiple implementations based on what schools perceive it as. STEM is more than a way of integrating science, maths, and engineering as part of classroom courses STEM is not just a coding course or a science experiment but the ability to analyze and think of a concept to implementation to real-world problems of scenarios.This may be done in a non-curriculum or curriculum-based approach. "STEM is more than a school subject, or the ...

Anonym, Friday, April 27, 2018

The Gen Z and the "Artificial Intelligence" viewpoint

A blog by Sushmita Chatterjee Spring break has started and it has been an interesting week at my home with two 9 and 10 years old trying to spend their time watching T.V, painting and doing other activities. I put a proposal of "Why not design an app?". GenZ children love apps and whether it is gaming, educational or otherwise it always lights up their face. Most children do not perceive PCS and websites as relevant products or services other than in a tablet or a phone. A few years back ...

Anonym, Wednesday, April 4, 2018
